Shakespeare once said that the body of the women is the most beautiful creation of God. I would strongly agree with this fact and i guess everyone would agree if i say that Girls are the most beautiful and awesome creation of nature. In the ancient times various tribes used tattoos as the way the describe a person’s personality. Male used to have masculine tattoos and symbols while women and girls used to have tattoos that symbolizes beauty and love. This trend is still going on and women love to have tattoos on various parts of their body.
When it comes to get tattooed on body, a person often get confused. Girls usually like to have tattooson wrists, fingers, shoulder and on the back of the neck. However there are other appealing body parts too like Thighs, stomach and behind the ear that makes the tattoo look more attractive. If you’ve decided to get a tattoo on your body then feel free to get ideas from our gallery of tattoo designs for women.
Here we have chosen 50 coolest tattoos for women that are inspired from female celebs:
1. Amber Rose have a Rose tattoo on her shoulder. You too can have a beautiful animated tattoo on your skin of your favorite flower.
2. If you are religious and modern like Katy Perry then you can have the name of lord Inked on your wrist.
3. Megan Fox rib cage tattoo has been gossip topic for many magazines,tabloids and TV shows. You can imagine how much popular you can get after you have such tattoo.
4. Getting tattoo on lower back is never easy for a girl. But one thing is sure that it will look $exyas #ell. So if you decide to have one then go for a chinese symbol just like this one.
5. Everyone is fond of music so getting music note tattoos on your shoulder and neck would be great tattoo idea. This one is temporary.
6. Kendall Jenner’s tribal indian tattoo across her back has rolled a lot of eyeballs. Its a daring tattoo and if done right then it will improve your personality.
7. I always admire dreamcatcher tattoos and i think neck is the perfect body part to have one for both Guys and girls. What you say?
8. Have a simple and straight forward message (Trust No One) like Lana Del rey on your palms.
9. WWE wrestler Lita have many tattoos on her body. But one of the most famous tattoo she have is the sugar candy skull tattoos on her arm.
10. Get a small tattoo on your back in language other than your native language. It will surely attract attention. But it should be a meaningful tattoo.
11. Megan Fox’s ‘We will all laugh at gilded Butterflies’ tattoo inspired a lot of girls to have similar quote tattoos on their back shoulder.
12. Ear is not a common place to have tattoo. But if you have strong message like Miley Cyrus (‘Love’) then you can go for it.
13. Nicki minaj inked her arm with Chinese fonts. I don’t know the meaning of this tattoo but it looked very beautiful on her.
14. Angelina Jolie has a shoulder tattoo of longitude and latitude of her kids birth location. Its a unique tattoo idea.
15. Pop icon Pink is a dog lover and she has a dog tattoo her wrist. if you are one Dog lover like her then try this tattoo design.
16. Pink also have a very $exy snake tattoo across her thigh. A Perfect thigh tattoo idea for girls.
17. Rihanna’s shining stars tattoo on her back wowed the fans. If you’re shy woman in nature then you can try this tattoo design. Its simple and cute looking.
18. Foot is not a popular part to get tattoo but if you have a beautiful tattoo on your foot then people won’t mind running their eyes down.
19. Selena Gomez has a roman numeral tattoo just behind her back. It marks her birth year.
20. I like vertical font tattoos and this one is perfect example. Running fonts from neck to down on back is a perfect tattoo idea. But it must be meaningful.
21. Usually arabic tattoos are avoided by people But i would suggest to try this font. It looks cool.
22. Inner arm tattoo for girls are rare. But you try a temporary inner arm tattoo.
23. Get your favorite quote tattooed on your hand and i bet your hand will look more beautiful.
24. Fox looks $exy and this woman has chosen the perfect body part to show it. Try a fox tattoo on your thigh.
25. Sanskrit tattoos are very popular among tattoo lovers. Katy perry’s tattoo says “Anugachtu Parvah” which means non stop flow.
26. Finger tattoos are small and cute so you can try them without worrying much.
27. One popular tattoo idea for girls is to have their birth date inked on any part of body.
28. Stomach tattoo looks more beautiful on girls than on boys. So feel free to try a tribal tattoo design on your stomach.
29. Try a temporary Face tattoo. It can be any design.
30. This snake tattoo look so beautiful and real.
31. A Quote on rib cage is a very unique idea. Doesn’t it look beautiful?
32. You will rarely see over the ear tattoo but if it is a smart tattoo like this one than you surely be center of attraction.
33. Its a unique tattoo design with music notes in the style of garter.
34. Jessica Alba has a tattoo on her lower back. It is a tribal butterfly tattoo and it looks good.
35. A Perfect in ear tattoo that defines the love for music.
36. Katy perry has a weird sense for tattoos and i would say that we love it. Here are her foot tattoos. Aren’t they cute?
37. Garter tattoos always look $exy and if you don’t believe me have a look by yourself.
38. Girls don’t opt for full sleeve tattoos but when they do they look much more gorgeous than the boys. What you say?
39. Another Music note tattoo behind the ear. Dedicate such tattoo for your love to music.
40. Name initials tattoos are very old but still very popular. So if you’re doubting that they won’t look cute than have a look at this tattoo of Victoria Beckham.
41. Rihanna have a feather tattoo on foot. It is not designed in the proper position but you can shift it a little right side and it will be more appealing.
42. Behind the neck tattoos are often the most popular part among girls. Boys dont opt for it but Girls love it. How is this tattoo behind the neck?
43. As i said Katy perry have a weird sense for tattoos but they still win our heart like this Josh Groban.
44. Flying birds tattoo often represent freedom and they requires a larger part of body. I guess She had them on the perfect part of her body.
45. If you opt for a quote tattoo behind the neck then please let it be very clear and meaningful.
46. Finger tattoos grabs a lot of attention as they are one of the most used part in body language.
47. Jessica Alba’s shoulder tattoo is one of the most popular female tattoo in the world.
48. The best part to get the Zodiac tattoo inked is your wrist. Megan Fox knows it very well.
49. Megan Fox showing her Marilyn monroe tattoo on wrist. This is temporary.
50. Usually Men opts for geisha tattoos but i think it would look awesome on girls too. What you think?
So which tattoo design are you going to try on yourself? I think i would go for a wrist tattoo or behind the neck tattoo. What about you?
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